(You can also download the full CV as a pdf from here)
Preprints (3)
- How does urbanization shape shell phenotype, behaviour and parasite prevalence in the snail Cornu aspersum?
bioRxiv preprint- Dahirel M., de Tombeur Y., Gérard C., Ansart A.
- Drivers of plant-associated invertebrate community structure in West-European coastal dunes
bioRxiv preprint- Van De Walle R., Dahirel M., Langeraert W., Benoit D., Vantieghem P., Vandegehuchte M.L., Massol F., Bonte D.
- Individual variation in dispersal, and its sources, shape the fate of pushed vs. pulled range expansions
bioRxiv preprint- Dahirel M., Guicharnaud C., Vercken E.
Peer-reviewed publications (31)
- Urban Cepaea nemoralis snails are less likely to have nematodes trapped within their shells
Peer Community Journal, 4: e83- Dahirel M., Reyné H., De Wolf K., Bonte D.
- Species interactions affect dispersal: a meta-analysis
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 379: 20230127- Bestion E., Legrand D., Baines C.B., Bonte D., Coulon A., Dahirel M., Delgado M., Deshpande J.N., Duncan A.B., Fronhofer E.A., Gounand I., Jacob S., Kaltz O., Massol F., Matthysen E., Parmentier T., Saade C., Schtickzelle N., Zilio G., Cote J.
- Urbanization impacts short- but not long-distance natal dispersal in a common orb web spider
Oikos, 2023(12): e10278- Bonte D., Rose C., Bastiaensen T., Bechsgaard J., Bilde T., Dahirel M., De Wolf K., Thylys H., Uytterchaut T., Vanthournout B.
- Landscape connectivity alters the evolution of density-dependent dispersal during pushed range expansions
Peer Community Journal, 3: e114- Dahirel M., Bertin A., Calcagno V., Duraj C., Fellous S., Groussier G., Lombaert E., Mailleret L., Marchand A., Vercken E.
- Life-history traits, pace of life and dispersal among and within five species of Trichogramma wasps: a comparative analysis
Peer Community Journal, 3: e57- Guicharnaud C., Groussier G., Beranger E., Lamy L., Vercken E., Dahirel M.
- Land snails can trap trematode cercariae in their shell: encapsulation as a general response against parasites?
Parasite, 30:1- Gérard C., de Tombeur Y., Dahirel M., Ansart A.
- Dispersal syndrome and landscape fragmentation in the salt-marsh specialist spider Erigone longipalpis
Current Zoology, 69(1): 21-31- Dahirel M., Wullschleger M., Berry T., Croci S., Pétillon J.
- Dispersal syndromes in challenging environments: a cross-species experiment
Ecology Letters, 25(12): 2675-2687- Cote J., Dahirel M., Schtickzelle N., Altermatt F., Ansart A., Blanchet S., Chaine A., De Laender F., De Raedt J., Haegeman B., Jacob S., Kaltz O., Laurent E., Little C., Madec L., Manzi F., Masier S., Pellerin F., Pennekamp F., Therry L., Vong A., Winandy L., Bonte D., Fronhofer E., Legrand, D.
- Morph-dependent nematode infection and its association with host movement in the land snail Cepaea nemoralis (Mollusca, Gastropoda)
Journal of Zoology, 318(3): 191-192- Dahirel M., Proux M., Gérard C., Ansart A.
- Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover
Science, 375(6586): 1275-1281- Santangelo J.S. et al. (the Global Urban Evolution project, 287 authors)
- Boldness and exploration are linked to shell morph but not environmental contexts in the snail Cepaea nemoralis
Ethology, 127(4):321-333- Dahirel M., Gaudu V., Ansart A.
- Shifts from pulled to pushed range expansions caused by reduction of landscape connectivity
Oikos, 130(5): 708-725- Dahirel M., Bertin A., Haond M., Blin A., Lombaert E., Calcagno V., Fellous S., Mailleret L., Malausa T., Vercken E.
- Increased population density depresses activity but does not influence emigration in the snail Pomatias elegans
Journal of Zoology, 313(3):172-181- Dahirel M., Menut L. Ansart A.
- Transdisciplinary Bioblitz: Rapid biotic and abiotic inventory allows studying environmental changes over 60 years at the Biological Field Station of Paimpont (Brittany, France) and opens new interdisciplinary research opportunities
Biodiversity Data Journal, 8: e50451- Nicolai A., Guernion M., Guillocheau S., Hoeffner K., Le Gouar P., Ménard N., Piscart C., Vallet D., Hervé M., Benezeth E., Chedanne H., Blémus J., Vernon P., Cylly D., Hotte H., Loïs G., Mai B., Perez G., Ouisse T., Monard C., Wiegand C., Caudal J.-P., Butet A., Dahirel M., Barbe L., Balbi M., Briand V., Bormans M., Charrier M., Bouger G., Jung V., Le Lann C., Pannard A., Pétillon J., Rantier Y., Marguerie D., Tougeron K., Devogel P., Dugravot S., Dubos T., Garrin M., Carnet M., Gouraud C., Chambet A., Esnault J., Poupelin M., Welk E., Bütof A., Dubois G., Humbert G., Marie-Réau O., Norvez O., Richard G., Froger B., Rochais C., Potthoff M., Ayati K., Bellido A., Rissel A., Santonja M., Farcy J.-O., Collias E., Sene L., Cluzeau D., Supper R.
- Brachylaima spp. (Trematoda) parasitizing Cornu aspersum (Gastropoda) in France with potential risk for human consumption
Parasite, 27: 15- Gérard C., Ansart A., Decanter N., Martin M.-C., Dahirel M.
- Urbanization drives cross-taxon declines in abundance and diversity at multiple spatial scales
Global Change Biology, 26(3): 1196–1211- Piano E., Souffreau C., Merckx T., Baardsen L.F., Backeljau T., Bonte D., Brans K.I., Cours M., Dahirel M., Debortoli N., Decaestecker E., De Wolf K., Engelen J.M.T., Fontaneto D., Gianuca A.T., Govaert L., Hanashiro F.T.T., Higuti J., Lens L., Martens K., Matheve H., Matthysen E., Pinseel E., Sablon R., Schön I., Stoks R., Van Doninck K., Van Dyck H., Vanormelingen P., Van Wichelen J., Vyverman W., De Meester L., Hendrickx F.
- The distinct phenotypic signatures of dispersal and stress in an arthropod model: from physiology to life history
Journal of Experimental Biology, 222(16): jeb203596- Dahirel M.*, Masier S.*, Renault D., Bonte D. (* contributed equally to the work)
- Dispersers are more likely to follow mucus trails in the land snail Cornu aspersum
The Science of Nature, 106: 43- Vong A., Ansart A., Dahirel M.
- Urbanization‐driven changes in web building and body size in an orb web spider
Journal of Animal Ecology, 88(1): 79–91- Dahirel M., De Cock M., Vantieghem P., Bonte D.
- Bottom-up and top-down control of dispersal across major organismal groups: a coordinated distributed experiment
Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2: 1859–1863- Fronhofer E.A., Legrand D., Altermatt F., Ansart A., Blanchet S., Bonte D., Chaine A., Dahirel M., De Laender F., De Raedt J., di Gesu L., Jacob S., Kaltz O., Laurent E., Little C.J., Madec L., Manzi F., Masier S., Pellerin F., Pennekamp F., Schtickzelle N., Therry L., Vong A., Winandy L., Cote J.
- Body size shifts in aquatic and terrestrial urban communities
Nature, 558: 113–116- Merckx T., Souffreau C., Kaiser A., Baardsen L.F., Backeljau T., Bonte D., Brans K. I., Cours M., Dahirel M., Debortoli N., De Wolf K., Engelen J.M.T., Fontaneto D., Gianuca A., Govaert L., Hendrickx F., Higuti J., Lens L., Martens K., Matheve H., Matthysen E., Piano E., Sablon R., Schön I., Van Doninck K., De Meester L., Van Dyck H.
- Kin competition accelerates experimental range expansion in an arthropod herbivore
Ecology Letters, 21(2): 225–234- Van Petegem K., Moerman F., Dahirel M., Fronhofer E.A., Vandegehuchte M.L., Van Leeuwen T., Wybouw N., Stoks R., Bonte D.
- Individual boldness is life stage-dependent and linked to dispersal in a hermaphrodite land snail
Ecological Research, 32(5): 751–755- Dahirel M., Vong A., Ansart A., Madec L.
- Intraspecific variation shapes community-level behavioral responses to urbanization in spiders
Ecology, 98(9): 2379–2390- Dahirel M., Dierick J., De Cock M., Bonte D.
- Dispersal: a central and independent trait in life-history
Oikos, 126(4): 472–479- Bonte D., Dahirel M.
- Dispersal-related traits of the snail Cornu aspersum along an urbanisation gradient: maintenance of mobility across life stages despite high costs
Urban Ecosystems, 19(4): 1847–1859- Dahirel M.*, Séguret A.* , Ansart A., Madec L. (* contributed equally to the work)
- Density-dependence across dispersal stages in a hermaphrodite land snail: insights from discrete choice models
Oecologia, 181(4): 1117–1128- Dahirel M., Vardakis M., Ansart A, Madec L.
- Potential syndromes linking dispersal and reproduction in the hermaphrodite land snail Cornu aspersum
Journal of Zoology, 299(2): 98–105- Dahirel M., Ansart A., Madec L.
- Context-dependence of the olfactory perceptual range in the generalist land snail Cornu aspersum
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 93(8): 665–669- Dahirel M., Cholé H., Séguret A., Madec L., Ansart A.
- Movement propensity and ability correlate with ecological specialization in European land snails: comparative analysis of a dispersal syndrome
Journal of Animal Ecology, 84(1): 228–238- Dahirel M., Olivier E., Guiller A., Martin M.-C., Madec L., Ansart A.
- Stage- and weather-dependent dispersal in the brown garden snail Cornu aspersum
Population Ecology, 56(1): 227–237- Dahirel M., Ansart A, Madec L.
Other publicly available reports (1)
- Physical boundary conditions over European coasts
Public deliverable for the DuneFront project, work package 4- Castelle B., Dahirel M.